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A new definition of black women age 40 plus.

Naomi Campbell at premier of "The Beaver" on May 17,2011 in Cannes, France.
Naomi Campbell.Featureflash /

Naomi Camp­bell is 42. That’s right. The fierce, fab­u­lous, Nay-Nay has passed the dreaded four-oh mark.  Did I men­tion that when she walks the run­ways she still shows those teenage and twenty-something stick fig­ures how to really work it?

Nia Long is 41.  The girl we all loved as Brandy from Boyz in the Hood and felt was a kin­dred spirit as Nina Mosley in Love Jones is offi­cially grown.

Salt n Pepa who implored us to collectively shake our young thangs in the eighties are 40 plus.

Nia Long at special performance of Mike Tyson: The Undisputed Truth Aug 2, 2012
Nia Long
©Harry Pluviose/Retna Ltd./Corbis

I just turned 40, dammit.

Naomi is bad in a bad-meaning-good way, anger man­age­ment and trac­tion alope­cia issues aside. The other women are famous, fab­u­lous and make us feel good about being their peers.

So, in the midst of all of this two score-ness, why is it still so dif­fi­cult to find representations of non-celebrity, work­ing, achiev­ing, liv­ing, lov­ing black women over the age of 40?


Salt n Pepa in fancy dress
Salt n Pepa.

Where do you turn to learn how to update your makeup with­out look­ing like a 40-year-old try­ing to look like a 25-year-old trapped at the MAC Cos­met­ics counter?

Where can you find a way to work a trend like bright jeans with­out look­ing like you spent your last $20 at For­ever 21?

 How do you nav­i­gate rela­tion­ships and inti­macy when con­fronting issues that our younger sis­ters don’t nec­es­sar­ily need to focus on: dat­ing while grown(er), fer­til­ity, birth control, (the inevitable)menopause?

 Per­haps you don’t have stu­dent loan debt, but you’re still working—maybe on a third or fourth career.  Where is the information you need to ensure your finan­cial house is in order?

Where can you find a perspective that speaks to your specific needs?

Start right here with, the online des­ti­na­tion for black women ages 40+. throws out the old, pre­con­ceived notions about “women of a cer­tain age”. is not about per­fec­tion or emu­lat­ing younger women. We cel­e­brate the unique life expe­ri­ences that brought you to this point and give the infor­ma­tion and insight to guide you beyond age 40.

A muse is a guid­ing spirit, a source of inspi­ra­tion. Let us be your guide.

Look­ing for­ward to The Journey,

Mariama Todd

4 thoughts on “A new definition of black women age 40 plus.

  1. Mariama You make me proud.. Congratulations!!!!!! I have passed the site on to all my family and friends. Good Luck Sarah Wilson

  2. Mariama You make me proud.. Congratulations!!!!!! I have passed the site on to all my family and friends. Good Luck Sarah Wilson

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